The Gender Equality Self-Assessment tool aids and guide organisations in evaluating their commitment to gender equality and inclusivity. This self-assessment tool covers aspects ranging from female representation and diversity to recruitment practices, policies and training and workplace values.
Through a series of targeted questions, the Self-Assessment tool, seek to identifying gaps, across five critical areas of the business:
This section of the Gender Equality Self-Assessment focuses on female representation in organisations, capturing insights on workforce demographics, especially in male-dominated areas. We aim to understand inclusivity and diversity by considering women, ethnic and racial minorities, people with disabilities, and LGBTQ+ individuals. This offers businesses an overview of their diversity status and the effectiveness of their female representation strategies.
In this segment, we examine the organisation's hiring and retention practices for a diverse workforce. We analyse efforts ensuring gender equality in recruitment, talent development, retention, and potential pay gaps. Responses related to gender-neutral job postings, bias prevention, and women's advancement opportunities will shed light on the depth of gender equality in the organisation, aiding leaders in assessing their dedication to equity and inclusion.
This section delves into the formal frameworks addressing gender equality and associated concerns. We seek to understand existing policies on gender equality, anti-harassment, and gender-based violence, their enforcement, support structures, leave policies, and reporting mechanisms. Responses will highlight the strength of policies promoting a safe and equitable workplace.
Here, we scrutinise the organisation's dedication to gender equality education for staff. We assess training on diversity, gender inequality, and harassment; leadership programs on inclusion; mentoring for women; and manager training on biases. We also guide the company's approach to external collaboration for gender-based violence training. Responses will provide insights into the commitment to an informed, gender-equal workspace.
The final section assesses the organisation's values towards fostering a gender-equal environment. We delve into how the business evaluates its stance on gender equality, role definitions, reporting mechanisms, and flexibility for caregiving responsibilities. Additionally, we consider resources that support employee well-being. Responses will assist leaders in gauging their company's commitment to gender-focused values.
Thank you for joining us in taking this first step towards building a gender-equal organisation and society. Your willingness to freely scrutinise your current practices and engage with this assessment signifies more than organisational growth; it's a testament to your commitment to fostering a culture where everyone is seen, heard, and valued.